Tree Felling for Better Drainage: How Removing Trees Can Solve Waterlogging Issues
This is a photo of tree felling being carried out in Tenterden. All works are being undertaken by Tenterden Tree Surgeons

Waterlogging is a common issue for many homeowners, especially in areas like Tenterden, Kent, where rainfall can be frequent and heavy. While trees are usually seen as beneficial for the environment, in some cases, they can contribute to drainage problems rather than alleviate them. At Tenterden Tree Surgeons, we provide expert tree felling services to help resolve waterlogging issues, improving the health of your landscape and protecting your property from long-term damage. In this blog post, we’ll explore how tree removal can enhance drainage and why it might be the solution to your waterlogging concerns.

Understanding the Impact of Trees on Drainage

Trees naturally absorb water through their roots, helping to manage groundwater levels and reduce the risk of waterlogging. However, in some scenarios, certain trees can contribute to drainage issues rather than solve them. Dense root systems can compact the soil, reducing its permeability and causing water to pool on the surface. Additionally, large, mature trees can draw significant amounts of water from the surrounding soil, altering the natural drainage pattern and leading to localised flooding or waterlogging in other areas of your garden.

When Tree Felling Is the Best Solution

  1. Overcrowded or Invasive Trees In gardens where trees are densely planted, the competition for water and nutrients can lead to poor soil structure and reduced drainage. Removing select trees through careful felling can alleviate this pressure, allowing the remaining trees and plants to thrive. Invasive tree species with aggressive root systems can be particularly problematic, as they can spread rapidly and dominate the landscape, leading to compaction and drainage issues.
  2. Trees Located Near Drainage Systems Trees planted near drainage channels, soakaways, or other water management systems can obstruct the flow of water if their roots become entangled. In such cases, tree felling may be necessary to restore proper drainage. Removing problematic trees prevents roots from infiltrating pipes and drains, which can cause blockages and exacerbate waterlogging.
  3. Improving Soil Permeability Trees with extensive, shallow root systems can compact the soil, making it less effective at absorbing and draining water. By felling these trees, you can improve the soil structure and increase its permeability, allowing rainwater to drain away more efficiently. This is particularly important in areas prone to heavy rainfall, where quick and effective drainage is crucial to prevent waterlogging.
  4. Reclaiming Waterlogged Areas for Better Use Persistent waterlogging can render parts of your garden unusable, whether it’s a lawn, flower bed, or patio area. Tree felling can help reclaim these areas by removing the trees that contribute to the problem. Once the trees are removed, the ground can be regraded, aerated, and improved with proper drainage solutions, allowing you to make better use of your outdoor space.

The Importance of Professional Tree Felling

Tree felling is a complex and potentially hazardous task that should always be carried out by professionals. At Tenterden Tree Surgeons, we combine years of experience with advanced techniques to safely remove trees that are causing drainage issues. Our team conducts thorough assessments to determine whether tree felling is the right solution for your specific situation and ensures that the process is carried out efficiently and with minimal disruption to your property.


While trees are essential for a healthy environment, there are situations where they can contribute to drainage problems, leading to persistent waterlogging. In such cases, strategic tree felling can be the key to improving soil permeability, protecting drainage systems, and reclaiming valuable garden space. If you’re struggling with waterlogged areas in your garden and suspect that trees may be the culprit, contact Tenterden Tree Surgeons today. Our expert team in Tenterden, Kent, is ready to provide tailored advice and professional tree felling services to help you achieve a drier, more functional landscape.

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